Introducing TGP Fulfillment
The idea of TGP was born in 2007 when Co-Founder, Solomon Cho, found the secret recipe to successful life which is so simple, yet powerful, ‘delivering promises’. Across all walks of life, rich or poor, religious or not, positive marks are left by the ones that have kept their word. Dreaming that one day, he will reach countless people’s lives and influence them according to His purpose, Solomon kept the name TGP in his heart.
TGP Fulfillment was incorporated in 2016, by Solomon, together with his Co-founder John Ko. Separated by 30 in age, they found themselves covering up each other’s back, blending passionate entrepreneurship and abundant life’s experiences.
Following their passion to build a successful business that can touch numerous people’s lives, they have set the company motto “Delivering promises” And their promise to deliver their words stand for all their partners ranging in employers, employees, customers, suppliers, notwithstanding whichever their personal or religious beliefs are.
Today, TGP operate three major Fulfillment Center, Procurement Agency, and Custom Merchandising Shop. Many businesses are relying on TGP, knowing that whatever requests are made, TGP will meet their expectations. What goes around comes around. TGP has been experiencing tremendous growth each year through the accumulative support of their partners.